A  milestone day for the Agri-Youth team

A milestone day for the Agri-Youth team

On Thursday June 8, 2023, the Agri-Youth team completed simultaneously 5 major tasks in a laps of 3 hours. Under the guidance of Elias, the Gardner, the trainees set up a scarecrow before tackling the weeding work. Elie El Kareh, project director, welcomed Dr. Monica Fabien instructor at the Nature Conservation Center, American University of Beyrouth- (AUB-NCC), and landscape architect Mitri Harmouche . As a partner of the Agri-youth project, the AUB-NCC is responsible for designing the Biodiversity Path, and it is the students of the NCC's Landscape Management class who will have the opportunity to take up this challenge.

At the same time, the team members followed the evolution of the refurbishment work on the building which began almost a few days ago. The construction site and the piles of stones scattered around the building have somewhat disrupted their working environment, nonetheless, the trainees observed with great pride and enthusiasm the progress made by the construction workers.

Meanwhile, Evelyn Maalouf, ALPHA visibility officer AKA grasshopper, was documenting all these activities to produce Instagram posts and documentaries on YouTube .