

The responsibility for protection is constitutive of ALPHA’s projects and programs. Each team member is bound to prevent and minimize any unintended negative effects of our interventions.


Targeting particularly vulnerable and marginalized groups and individuals. Over the last ten years we reached an average of 25,000 beneficiaries yearly; 15% of them were refugee, displaced or local women, 70% children, 5% disabled and elderly.

Paying attention to the “new poor”. From 2020, due to the covid pandemic and the ongoing economic crises in Lebanon and in Iraq, we are targeting the lower middle class facing ongoing impoverishment.; 35% of our beneficiaries belong today to the so called “new poor”.

Easing access to assistance and services. All our beneficiaries are eligible for supportive services, e.g., parental guidance, awareness about risks and protection of children, domestic violence, early marriage sessions, healthcare, and mental health sessions, they also benefit from health and psychological aid referral systems.

Supporting the development of self-protection capacities, e.g., 20,000 war scarred children are today able to figure out, plan and invest in their future.

Assisting people to claim their rights: Our field teams are trained to develop collaborative supports for advocacy.

Maximizing aid and services impacts. Conducting continuous assessments and evaluation of aid and service delivery in collaboration with all stakeholders including Municipalities, religious figures, social notabilities.